how do i say this, but i forgot that i had started a blog. my intention had been to write daily, now its been several days without an entry. i sippose theres no reason to post on a day when theres little that has changed. today i got edits back from my coach. i had given these to her 11 days ago, so im definitely concerned, because my deadline is looming. her feedback is useful, but with her health condition, she has not been present, and im not sure that this serves my purpose, i wonder if this turns out to be another dead end?
probably too gross a topic to entertain on a blog, let alone include in a thesis, but this observation came to me today while on the crapper. I keep hoping the writing will soon becme more natural, and simply floooooooooooow. I picture the day where i look out the window and unbeknownst to me it has gone dark. Ive barely noticed the time pass as ive written 10 solid pages. Its not been like tht yet, but rather, like trying despreately to shit out a tiny peanut.
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